The simple fact is that the “vaccine” which was pushed by the U.S. and all other governments as “Safe and Effective” has directly CAUSED the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Members of the embalming professionals’ community across the world have been sounding the alarm regarding these deaths for many months now.
These chemicals that they call a “Vaccine”, are not in fact for the treatment of COVID-19 (also MANUFACTURED and unleashed upon the world intentionally). It is a “vaccine” for what EVERY member of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization has deemed as “Overpopulation”.
The facts are there for anyone to see plainly. Well. let’s follow the logic.
Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and W.E.F. member; gave a speech in front of a meeting of the W.E.F. in late 2020 during which he stated:
“ The overpopulation of the world can only be solved two ways. By lowering the birth rates through forced sterilization and punitive measures against anyone who has more than one child, or by increasing the death rate which could be easily done through MRNA modifications made by mass vaccination.”
We have a virus (COVID-19) that was manipulated and weaponized in a Chinese lab and intentionally released upon the world.
U.S. and European drug manufacturers “miraculously” developed a “vaccine” to eliminate COVID-19 in under 9 months, when actual vaccines proven to be effective have taken multiple decades of research and trials to create.
Those “vaccines” were “developed” by drug manufacturers who stood to make hundreds of billions of dollars EACH in profit from. They did not donate them, they were not being altruistic, and they charged a premium price for EVERY DOSE, in some cases reported to be as high as $4,500.00 (US) PER DOSE.
The World Health Organization was given unilateral authority by nearly every government on the planet including the United States to mandate the injection of these chemicals into every person.
The manufacturers have ADMITTED that they KNEW the chemicals contained within the “vaccine” would cause some deaths among the population but would be “comfortable” with a death rate up to 20%, which also just happens to be the EXACT percentage of the world population that the W.E.F. believes should be eliminated to sustain their grip on power and ultra wealth.
Over the last 14-20 months, basically since the roll-out of the “vaccine” people with no other discernible health issues have been dropping dead. This has led those in the embalming industry to speak out about the frighteningly increasing occurrence of up to 36-inch-long fibrous clots they are finding in otherwise healthy decedents.
We can follow the crumbs people. We can see that this was a MANUFACTURED virus, unleashed for a purpose. To enrich those in power, allow themselves and their friends to continue to live a lifestyle which is ecologically unsustainable, and to eliminate what they consider to be the REAL virus. YOU.
We must demand that our governments provide full independent chemical analysis of every “vaccine”, and that all parties involved in the development of COVID-19 and the “vaccine” along with anyone who pushed it or mandated these chemical death warrants be brought in front of a tribunal for crimes against humanity, convicted, and sentenced to death for their crimes.
We must also demand that all world governments rescind the immunity provided to the manufacturers who KNEW the “vaccine” was deadly and immediately order a 25 to 35 TRILLION DOLLAR FUND be immediately funded by the companies for all future wrongful death and injury claims as a result of their callous disregard for human life, and if they refuse they will be subject to criminal prosecution for EVERY DEATH or injury their greed caused.